About Me


Assalamualaikum WBT. 

FYI, EXAM is around the corner and still im doing nothing and procrastinating. Im just hoping that i'll be OK. I hope that my results for this semester going to be fine than last sem. Last sem, i should admit that ive done my best. But no my BESTEST.(ada wujud kah ayat ni??). 

BTW, about being a dean's list is one more thing. It drive me nuts. I am stressed out troughout last semester and hoping that this sem should not be the same. But it turn out to be just the same. With two subjects with 4 credit hour. Well, last semester one of the 4 credit hour subject's i did not managed to score A and got B+ instead. And my results was DECLINING like a LOT. Thank to ALLAH that i still maintaining my BIO for scoring A's for 3 consqtive sem. WOW. I like bio a lot. And this sem its a bit harder. Bio 250. But, the biggest enemy for this upcoming exam is CHM 257. Im just hoping that it will be fine. PHY turn out to be the same. I dont know. I only managed to score A's for PHY during my 3rd sem. Which is PHY 150. Though, it turn out to be like that, i am still eager to continue my study in Dental field. The requirements for Malaysia at University is just to high. and most of university will not accept diploma applicants for their critical course. They only accept applicants from their own university. And I hope that i will fulfill my dream to become a dentist, But the cut off pointer is quite high which is 3.85++. But, insyaALLH with the help from ALLAH SWT. Nothing is impossible. ^^.


PLEASE3 pray for me...


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